Wednesday, June 1, 2011


Treatment for Hyperthyroidism

Hyperthyroidism develops when the body is exposed to excessive amounts of thyroid hormone. This disorder occurs in almost one percent of all Americans and affects women five to ten times more often than men. In its mildest form, hyperthyroidism may not cause recognizable symptoms. More often, however, the symptoms are discomforting, disabling, or even life-threatening.

When hyperthyroidism develops, a goiter (enlargement of the thyroid) is usually present and may be associated with some or many of the following features:
Fast heart rate, often more than 100 beats per minute
Becoming anxious, irritable, argumentative
Trembling hands
Weight loss, despite eating the same amount or even more than usual
Intolerance of warm temperatures and increased likelihood to
Loss of scalp hair
Tendency of fingernails to separate from the nail bed
Muscle weakness, especially of the upper arms and thighs
Loose and frequent bowel movements
Smooth skin
Change in menstrual pattern
Increased likelihood for miscarriage
Prominent “stare” of the eyes
Protrusion of the eyes, with or without double vision (in patients with Graves’ disease)
Irregular heart rhythm, especially in patients older than 60 years of age
Accelerated loss of calcium from bones, which increases the risk of osteoporosis and fractures

Graves’ disease
Graves’ disease (named after Irish physician Robert Graves) is an autoimmune disorder that frequently results in thyroid enlargement and hyperthyroidism. In some patients, swelling of the muscles and other tissues around the eyes may develop, causing eye prominence, discomfort or double vision. Like other autoimmune diseases, this condition tends to affect multiple family members. It is much more common in women than in men and tends to occur in younger patients.

Toxic multinodular goiter
Multiple nodules in the thyroid can produce excessive thyroid hormone, causing hyperthyroidism. Typically diagnosed in patients over the age of 50, this disorder is more likely to affect heart rhythm. In many cases, the person has had the goiter for many years before it becomes overactive.

Toxic nodule
A single nodule or lump in the thyroid can also produce more thyroid hormone than the body requires and lead to hyperthyroidism. This disorder is not familial.

Subacute thyroiditis
This condition may follow a viral infection and is characterized by painful thyroid gland enlargement and inflammation, which results in the release of large amounts of thyroid hormones into the blood.
Fortunately, this condition usually resolves spontaneously. The thyroid usually heals itself over several months, but often not before a temporary period of low thyroid hormone production (hypothyroidism) occurs.

Postpartum thyroiditis
Five to ten percent of women develop mild to moderate hyperthyroidism within several months of giving birth. Hyperthyroidism in this condition usually lasts for approximately one to two months.
It is often followed by several months of hypothyroidism, but most women will eventually recover normal thyroid function. In some cases, however, the thyroid gland does not heal, so the hypothyroidism becomes permanent and requires lifelong thyroid hormone replacement. This condition may occur again with subsequent pregnancies.

Silent thyroiditis
Transient (temporary) hyperthyroidism can be caused by silent thyroiditis, a condition which appears to be the same as postpartum thyroiditis but not related to pregnancy. It is not accompanied by a painful thyroid gland.

Excessive iodine ingestion
Various sources of high iodine concentrations, such as kelp tablets, some expectorants, amiodarone (Cordarone, Pacerone — a medication used to treat certain problems with heart rhythms) and x-ray dyes may occasionally cause hyperthyroidism in patients who are prone to it.

Overmedication with thyroid hormone
Patients who receive excessive thyroxine replacement treatment can develop hyperthyroidism. They should have their thyroid hormone dosage evaluated by a physician at least once each year and should NEVER give themselves “extra” doses.

Characteristic symptoms and physical signs of hyperthyroidism can be detected by a physician. In addition, tests can be used to confirm the diagnosis and to determine the cause.
TSH (thyroid – stimulating hormone or thyrotropin) test
A low TSH level in the blood is the most accurate indicator of hyperthyroidism. The body shuts off production of this pituitary hormone when the thyroid gland even slightly overproduces thyroid hormone.
If the TSH level is low, it is very important to also check thyroid hormone levels to confirm the diagnosis of hyperthyroidism.
Other tests
Estimates of free thyroxine and free triiodothyronine – the active thyroid hormones in the blood. When hyperthyroidism develops, free thyroxine and free triiodothyronine levels rise above previous values in that specific patient (although they may still fall within the normal range for the generalpopulation), and are often considerably elevated.
TSI (thyroid-stimulating immunoglobulin) – a substance often found in the blood when Graves’ disease is the cause of hyperthyroidism. This test is not routinely ordered since it does not usually affect treatment decisions or help in the diagnosis.
Radioactive iodine uptake (RAIU – a measurement of how much iodine the thyroid gland can collect) and thyroid scan (a thyroid scan shows how the iodine is distributed throughout the thyroid gland). This information can be useful in determining the cause of hyperthyroidism and ultimately its treatment.
Sometimes a general physician can diagnose and treat the cause of hyperthyroidism, but assistance is often needed from an endocrinologist, a physician who specializes in managing thyroid disease.

Before the development of current treatment options, the death rate from severe hyperthyroidism was as high as 50 percent. Now several effective treatments are available and, with proper management, death from hyperthyroidism is rare. Deciding which treatment is best depends on what caused the hyperthyroidism, its severity, and other conditions present. A physician who is experienced in the management of thyroid diseases can confidently diagnose the cause of hyperthyroidism and prescribe and manage the best treatment program for each patient.
Antithyroid drugs
In the United States, two drugs are available for treating hyperthyroidism: propylthiouracil (PTU) and methimazole (MMI). In general, AACE and the ATA recommend prescribing MMI over PTU. There are a few situations however where PTU should be used over MMI: during the first trimester of pregnancy to avoid an increased risk of a rare birth defect; if the patient is allergic to or intolerant of MMI; or when life-threatening thyrotoxicosis occurs. Some patients with hyperthyroidism caused by Graves’ disease experience a spontaneous or natural remission of hyperthyroidism after a 12- to 18-month course of treatment with these drugs, and may sometimes avoid permanent underactivity of the thyroid (hypothyroidism), which often occurs as a result of using the other methods of treating hyperthyroidism. Unfortunately, the remission is frequently only temporary, with the hyperthyroidism recurring after several months or years off medication and requiring additional treatment, so relatively few patients are treated solely with antithyroid medication in the United States.
Antithyroid drugs may cause an allergic reaction in about five percent of patients who use them. This usually occurs during the first six weeks of drug treatment. Such a reaction may include rash or hives; but after discontinuing use of the drug, the symptoms resolve within one to two weeks and there is no permanent damage. A more serious effect, but occurring in only about one in 250-500 patients during the first four to eight weeks of treatment, is a rapid decrease of white blood cells in the bloodstream. This could increase susceptibility to serious infection. Symptoms such as a sore throat, infection, or fever should be reported promptly to your physician, and a blood cell count should be done immediately. In nearly every case, when a person stops using the medication, the white blood cell count returns to normal.
Very rarely, antithyroid drugs may cause severe liver problems, which can be detected by blood tests or joint problems characterized by joint pain and/or swelling. Your physician should be contacted if there is yellowing of the skin (“jaundice”), fever, loss of appetite, or abdominal pain.
Radioactive iodine treatment
Iodine is an essential ingredient in the production of thyroid hormone. Each molecule of thyroid hormone contains either four (T4) or three (T3) molecules of iodine. Since most overactive thyroid glands are quite hungry for iodine, it was discovered in the 1940′s that the thyroid could be “tricked” into destroying itself by simply feeding it radioactive iodine. The radioactive iodine is given by mouth, usually in capsule form, and is quickly absorbed from the bowel. It then enters the thyroid cells from the bloodstream and gradually destroys them. Maximal benefit is usually noted within three to six months.
It is not possible to eliminate “just the right amount” of the diseased thyroid gland, since radioiodine eventually damages all thyroid cells. Therefore, most endocrinologists usually strive to completely destroy the diseased thyroid gland with a single dose of radioiodine. This results in the intentional development of an underactive thyroid state (hypothyroidism), which is easily, predictably and inexpensively corrected by lifelong daily use of oral thyroid hormone replacement therapy.
Although every effort is made to calculate the correct dose of radioiodine for each patient, not every treatment will successfully correct the hyperthyroidism, particularly if the goiter is quite large and a second dose of radioactive iodine is occasionally needed.
Thousands of patients have received radioiodine treatment, including former President of the United States George Bush and his wife, Barbara. The treatment appears to be a very safe, simple, and reliably effective one. Because of this, it is considered by most thyroid specialists in the United States to be the treatment of choice for hyperthyroidism cases caused by overproduction of thyroid hormone.
Radioactive iodine treatment should never be given to a pregnant woman! Small amounts of radioactive iodine will also be excreted in breast milk. Since radioiodine could permanently damage the infant’s thyroid, breast-feeding is not allowed. If radioiodine is inadvertently administered to a woman who is subsequently discovered to be pregnant, the advisability of terminating the pregnancy should be discussed with the patient’s obstetrician and endocrinologist. Therefore, prior to administering diagnostic or therapeutic radioiodine treatment, pregnancy testing is mandatory whenever pregnancy is possible.
Surgical removal of the thyroid
Although seldom used now as the preferred treatment for hyperthyroidism, operating to remove most of the thyroid gland may occasionally be recommended in certain situations, such as a pregnant woman with severe uncontrolled disease in whom radioiodine would not be safe for the baby. Surgery usually leads to permanent hypothyroidism and lifelong thyroid hormone replacement therapy.
Other treatments
A drug from the class of beta-adrenergic blocking agents (which decrease the effects of excess thyroid hormone) may be used temporarily to control hyperthyroid symptoms until other therapies take effect. In cases where hyperthyroidism is caused by thyroiditis or excessive ingestion of either iodine or thyroid hormone, this may be the only type of treatment required.
Appropriate management of hyperthyroidism requires careful evaluation and ongoing care by a physician experienced in the treatment of this complex condition.

Friday, April 1, 2011

he Ethics of Neural Prosthetics

A family of new medical devices designed to return sight to the blind, movement to the paralyzed, and hearing to the deaf are poised to enter the physician’s arsenal of weapons. Known collectively as neural prostheses, these implantable devices interact directly with the nervous system and allow for the amelioration of conditions that heretofore have been beyond the pale of medical ministrations.

Neural prostheses include retinal implants, auditory brainstem implants, functional electrical stimulation systems to activate paralyzed muscles, and brain-computer interface systems to enable locked-in patients to manipulate a computer via their thoughts. Cochlear implants, which have already returned hearing to thousands of deaf individuals, also fall into this category. Eventually, electrodes implanted in the brain – currently used for a brain-computer interface – could conceivably be used to enhance the memory, learning ability, concentration, and visual and auditory capabilities of able-bodied individuals as well.

Along with the potential to do great good, neural prostheses also present a minefield of ethical questions that must be dealt with as the technology approaches clinical utilization. Having learned from the missteps of some earlier medical researchers, it is now difficult, if not impossible, to find a neural prosthetic investigator who has not, to one extent or another, considered the ethical ramifications of his or her work. This fact became evident to me as I researched my recently released book about neural prostheses, Shattered Nerves: How Science Is Solving Modern Medicine’s Most Perplexing Problem.

Because many neural prosthetic devices are at or near the human testing stage, the ethical questions of most immediate concern revolve around determining when an implant is ready for human testing and how researchers can ensure that volunteers fully appreciate what they are getting into. As for when to test these implants in humans, physicians – who by nature and training are oriented toward taking quick action – are generally prone to come down on the side of  implanting sooner rather than later, whereas engineers tend to be a more cautious lot who favor waiting until every conceivable facet of animal testing is exhausted.

Indicative of the lack of census on this issue are the stances taken by Philip Troyk, a professor of bioengineering at the Illinois Institute of Technology in Chicago, who heads a visual cortex project, and Terry Hambrecht, a physician who is also an electrical engineer and the former head of the National Institutes of Health’s Neural Prosthesis Program. Hambrecht had experimentally implanted penetrating microelectrodes in the visual cortices of several humans following years of safety testing in monkeys. The work demonstrated that an individual who was totally blind could experience spots of light at precise locations in the visual field. Troyk, however, is not convinced that the brain will be able to create coherent images out of spots of light, and feels that before further human testing is conducted, his team needs to understand more about how the brain breaks the signals received from the million nerve fibers in the optic nerve into their constituent parts and then processes them to create vision.

“We feel we are obligated to try, to the best we scientifically can, to understand that we can manipulate the visual system at the fundamental level. Then we will have something to offer the human volunteer. . . . It’s a much more sophisticated argument than just saying, ‘Put it in, try it, and see what you get,’” said Troyk. Hambrecht takes exception. He feels that Troyk’s further experimentation in monkeys could “seriously delay the development of a visual prosthesis for blind humans. I feel that our NIH group’s human experimentation answered essentially all the significant questions that might have been asked in monkeys and raised pattern recognition, stimulation interaction, and cognitive adaptation questions that can only be answered with more sophisticated implants in blind humans,” he said.

When it comes to the related question of informed consent, however, there is universal acceptance of the need to ensure that potential test subjects are made fully aware of the risks involved and are not swayed by desperation. The numerous interviews I conducted with recipients of various neural prostheses indicate that investigators are doing a good job of informing volunteers of the pros and cons of their participation. All of the patients said they had been made fully aware of the fact that the devices they were receiving were experimental in nature and held little if any promise of benefiting them directly. While they obviously hoped to realize at least some improvement in their conditions, the patients had realistic views of the potential outcomes. In fact, I did not speak to one person who voiced regret over having volunteered to receive an implant, even though in some cases the benefit was small and in others there were setbacks. And surprisingly, none of them was greatly concerned about having an unproven foreign object implanted in their bodies.

While the physical risks of receiving experimental neural prosthetic implants are given careful scrutiny, academic discussions of informed consent tend to overlook the psychological impact of participation in test programs, which in the vast majority of cases is positive and substantial. Some test subjects draw considerable satisfaction from feeling that they are full-fledged members of the research teams developing their implants, a feeling that is reciprocated by the researchers themselves. The volunteers also derive satisfaction from knowing that they may be helping future generations of people with similar maladies. It seems to give their deprivations purpose. As Harold Churchey, an experimental retinal implant recipient blinded by retinitis pigmentosa, put it, “Even though I might be over the hill, if I can help some young person, I’m for it, so long as the good Lord gives me strength.”

As for the physical improvements realized by the volunteers, however small, it was uncanny that even though each of the patients I spoke with was interviewed individually, they virtually all used essentially the same language to describe their response, namely that “something is better than nothing.”

As Connie Schoeman who can now see small spots of light generated by the 16-electrode array that sits on her right retina told me, “With something like retinitis pigmentosa, where there has never been anything that could be done to help people, this is going to offer an opportunity, maybe not to get complete vision back, but something. And something, I tell you, sure beats nothing.” Ditto for Marilyn Davidson, who was the first person to be implanted with an auditory brainstem implant. The original device had to be removed due to complications, and though the hearing it afforded her was quite limited, she clamored for another system saying, “I had the ABI long enough to know it helped me, and anything is better than nothing.”

Then there is Jim Jatich, a quadriplegic who wears two hand manipulation implants, who asked, “How do you repay someone for giving you the use of your hands back?” And Jennifer French, paralyzed in a snowboarding accident yet able to walk down the aisle at her wedding with an experimental standing implant, who said, “There is nothing better than looking back at an empty wheelchair.”

The potential for neural prostheses to do good must be tempered with the understanding that the road to realization is pitted with potholes that remain to be negotiated. Yet the promise is stimulating indeed.

Read more:

Monday, March 7, 2011

Arthritis-friendly home accommodations

Arthritis is a medical term used to describe a group of disorders that affect the joints and muscles in the human body. There are more than a hundred different forms of arthritis, each affecting one or more parts of the body. Rheumatoid arthritis and osteoarthritis are the most common types of this disease. Areas such as hands, elbows, feet, spine and knees fall prey to arthritis. What are the symptoms of arthritis? Inflammation, pain in joints, and inability to freely move the joints, are some of the most common symptoms of arthritis. Other (less common) symptoms include loss of appetite, weight loss, painful swelling and inflammation, fever and anemia.
Joint arthritis damages the cartilage, which is a fluid-like substance that holds a lubricant to facilitate movement. Being a form of chronic disease, arthritis stays with the patient for years. One must understand that arthritis is a complex degenerative disorder that can affect people at any stage of life. Anti-inflammatory drugs and other medications can provide temporary relief to patients. However, a healthy, disciplined lifestyle, which includes healthy food and regular exercise, can help arrest the development of arthritis.
Genetics, age and weight are some of the main causes of arthritis. For old people suffering with Rheumatoid arthritis or osteoarthritis, Arthritis-friendly home accommodations can provide the necessary facilities for treatment. These are not just old age-homes. These are special apartments for aged men and women suffering with acute arthritis. There are several Boston Apartments that have been specially designed for senior citizens suffering with arthritis.
Is there a natural cure for arthritis? The good news is that there are natural treatments and remedies that can control the growth of arthritis to a great extent. Low acid diet, for example, can provide immediate relief from joint pain. The Internet abounds in articles pertaining to arthritis, its symptoms, and various treatments.

Saturday, March 5, 2011

For women with breast cancer

Breast cancer is a very important health problem in the United States and various other countries around the world. Breast cancer occupies second rank as the leading cause of cancer deaths among women in America. Until recently cancer of the breast topped the list of leading causes of cancer deaths in women, it still occupies an unenviable second position, second only to lung cancer. If skin cancer is excluded, cancer of the breast is the commonest cancer among women living in America. According to the WHO, more than 1.2 million women get the new diagnosis of breast cancer every year in the world. These numbers represent tremendous challenges posed by breast cancer within the United States of America and across the world.

Breast cancer claims the top position as the leading cause of deaths from cancer among women aged between 40 and 55 years. Breast cancer can occur in males too; with about 1450 new cases of male breast cancer diagnosed every year in the United States. It is comforting to note that the deaths from breast cancer among women of all ages have declined in US by 2.8 percent for every year from 1990 to 2000. The declining mortality rates may be attributed to the successful screening programs and progress in various therapy modalities of breast cancer.

Friday, March 4, 2011

Why is involvement of arteries and veins important in the treatment of pancreatic cancer?

The location of the pancreas deep within the abdomen places it close to numerous large blood vessels that are necessary for life (see “Where is the pancreas?” post).  As a result, cancers of the pancreas do not need to grow very large before invading these vessels and this poses a significant treatment problem. There are two main arteries in the area of the pancreas and these are called the celiac artery and the superior mesenteric artery. The celiac artery gives rise to the splenic artery and the hepatic artery and supplies blood to the liver, pancreas, spleen and stomach. The superior mesenteric artery gives rise to numerous branches that supply the small bowel, part of the colon and the pancreas. The venous system in this area is the portal vein and its tributaries. It drains blood from most of the gastrointestinal track back to the liver and ultimately to the heart through the hepatic veins. Pancreatic cancers that invade these major blood vessels are classified as Stage III which includes two subcategories – “border-line resectable” and “locally advanced, unresectable”.

Cancers that are found to completely surround one of the main arteries as determined by CT scan (“encasement”) are typically considered to not be operable (locally advanced, unresectable). An attempt at removal of such cancers has a very high probability of leaving a portion of the tumor behind (R2 resection) and thus the surgery will confer no survival benefit while potentially subjecting the person to debilitating side effects. Patients with locally advanced, unresectable pancreatic cancer will often undergo radiation and chemotherapy in hopes of shrinking the tumor away from the artery. Unfortunately, significant shrinkage of the tumor that converts it to removable occurs only 10% of the time. A tumor that grows next to one of the main arteries but does not surround it (“abutment”) is considered borderline resectable. In this case there is a good chance it can be removed without cutting though the tumor and, at worst, leaving only a few tumor cells behind (R1 resection). In most centers, including ours, patients with borderline resectable pancreatic cancer will receive radiation therapy prior to surgery in order to kill the cancer cells in the periphery of the tumor. This takes about 6 weeks and increases the likelihood of leaving no cancer behind at the margins (R0 resection). Unlike Stage III locally advanced pancreatic cancer, most patients with Stage III borderline resectable cancer will go on to have their tumor removed by surgery. The main exception to proceeding to surgery in borderline resectable patients is in the event the cancer grows further or develops distant metastases while receiving the chemotherapy and radiation therapy.

The assessment of whether or not a tumor is removable based on invasion of the main veins is very different than that of the arteries. Basically, any degree of involvement of the vein from abutment to encasement is considered to be borderline resectable as long as the tumor involves a portion of the vein that can be reconstructed once that section is removed. For example, if the tumor grows in the mid-portion of the vein (called the portal vein – superior mesenteric vein confluence), the tumor must be taken out with the vein attached and the two end of the vein can be reconnected to restore flow. If the same size tumor grows lower down on this vein (towards the feet), it will involve the portion of the vein that braches like numerous limbs of a tree. Removal of the vein in this area would leave the surgeon with one main “trunk” at the top and numerous “small braches” at the bottom. There would be no way to reconnect the ends. Thus for venous involvement, if it grows at a location in which the surgeon can technically remove the tumor and reconstruct the vein it is called Stage III borderline resectable. If removal and reconstruction is not possible it is called Stage III locally advanced. As described above for the arteries, patients with stage III cancers will most likely receive radiation therapy and most of those in the borderline resectable category will go on to surgery, while only 10% locally advanced will have significant tumor shrinkage.

There are numerous exceptions to this general algorithm based on feature that are unique to each individual patient. The complexity of the many treatment options underscores the need to be evaluated by an experienced team of specialists. We have found that this is best accomplished through a multidisciplinary clinic where patients are evaluated by all of the specialists in a single day. If you would like to learn more about this clinic please feel free to contact us at 410-933-PANC. We will be able to answer your questions and schedule a clinic appointment for you at your request.

Friday, February 11, 2011

Vagus Nerve Stimulation (VNS) and Treatment of Depression: To the Brainstem and Beyond

 Neuromodulation appears to be emerging gradually as a new therapeutic
field in psychiatric treatment. It encompasses neuropsychiatric medical
devices, such as vagus nerve stimulation (VNS), transcranial magnetic
stimulation (TMS), deep brain stimulation (DBS), and electroconvulsive
therapy (ECT). As a therapeutic approach to affective disorders,
neuromodulation shifts the focus from the monoamine synapse to neural
circuitry of the brain, which is dysregulated in depression. This neural
circuitry has been elaborated on over the course of 15 years of
neuroimaging research in mood disorders and is now believed to encompass
disturbances in a frontolimbic network. These include reduced
metabolism and blood flow in the prefrontal cortex and anterior
cingulate and pathologically increased activity in the subgenual
cingulate and amygdala.VNS is an implanted device that has established
efficacy in pharmaco-resistant epilepsy. It was approved by the FDA for
the treatment of severe, recurrent unipolar and bipolar depression in
July of 2005. VNS adopts a bottom-up approach to modulating the neural
circuitry of depression by stimulating vagal afferent fibers in the neck
, which carry impulses to the brain stem to target there the locus
ceruleus and dorsal raphe nucleus. Now that VNS has moved beyond the
experimental phase and into the clinic, psychiatrists are faced with
deciding who is an appropriate patient for this surgical implant and how
to integrate VNS into existing treatment in order to optimize both
efficacy and safety.This review of VNS will assess the efficacy and
safety data that led to the FDA approval. We will also review for the
busy clinician how VNS is likely to translate into clinical practice as
a treatment option for patients in need who are suffering from severe

Monday, January 10, 2011


Migraine can be defined as a paroxysmal affection, accompanied by severe headache, generally on one side of the head and associated with disorders of the digestion, the liver and the vision. It usually occurs when a person is under great mental tension or has suddenly got over that state.

Migraine is also known as "sick headache" because nausea and vomiting occasionally
accompany the excruciating pain which lasts for as long as three days.

Migraine usually gives warning before it strikes : black spots or a brilliant zig-zag line appears before the eyes or the patient has blurring of vision or has part of his vision blanked out. When the headache occurs, the patient may feel tingling, numbness, or weakness in an arm or leg.

Migraine sufferers have what is known as a "migrainous personality ". They are compulsive
workers and perfectionists, who feel that they have to do everything right away. When they complete a task, they are suddenly laid down from a state of temporary tension to a feeling of utmost relief. Then comes the migraine. It is a purely physiological process. The head and neck muscles, reacting to continuous stress, become overworked. The tightened muscles squeeze the arteries and reduce blood flow. When a person relaxes suddenly, the constricted muscles expand, stretching the walls of the blood-vessel. With every heart beat, the blood being pushed through this vessels expands them further and causes incredible pain.

When a headache strikes, one should stay on one’s feet in the daytime and do simple chores which do not require too much concentration or walk, move around and get some fresh air. The best remedy to prevent headaches is to build up physical resistance through proper nutrition, exercise and constructive thinking. As a first step, the patient should undertake a short fast.

During the fast, citrus fruit juices, diluted with water may be taken six times daily. By taking the load of digestion, the patient will at once save nervous energy which can be utilised for more important purposes. The blood and lymph will also be relieved of a great burden. After a short fast, the diet should be fixed in such a way as to put the least possible strain on the digestion.

Breakfast should consist of fruits, both fresh and dried. Lunch should consist largely of protein foods. Starchy foods such as whole wheat bread, cereals, rice or potatoes should be taken at dinner along with raw salads. Spices, tomatoes, sour buttermilk and oily foodstuffs SHOULD BE AVOIDED!!!. Drinking a glass of water ( warm water in winter and cool water in summer) mixed with a teaspoonful of honey the first thing in the morning, is also a good remedy.

Water Treatment
There are certain water applications which help relieve headaches. Copious drinking of water
can help , as do the cleansing enema with water temperature at 98.6 o F, the hot foot bath, a
cold throat pack, frequent applications of towels wrung out from very hot water to the back of the neck, a cold compress at 40 o to 60o F applied to the head and face or an alternate spinal
compress. Hot fomentations over the abdominal region just before retiring relieve headaches
due to stomach and liver upsets.

Yogic kriyas like jalneti and kunjal, pranayamas like anuloma-viloma, shitali and sitkari and
asanas such as uttanapadasana, sarvangasana, paschimottanasana, halasana and shavasana
are useful in the treatment of headaches.


DO some fasting (JUICE FAST)
Spices, tomatoes, sour buttermilk and oily foodstuffs SHOULD BE AVOIDED!!!

Friday, January 7, 2011

The New Aneurysm Clip System for Particularly Complex Aneurysm Surgery: Technical Note

Currently, there is an ongoing debate regarding the best treatment option for ruptured aneurysms. The International Subarachnoid Aneurysm Trial study suggests that an endovascular procedure is the best treatment. In some complex cases, or in patients with an additional large intracerebral hemorrhage, aneurysms require further microsurgical clipping.

OBJECTIVE:We introduce a new clip system to improve clipping procedures in especially complex aneurysms.

METHODS: The inverted opening mechanism of the clip in combination with the special clip applier provides the surgeon with a good overview in the operating field. The new design also enables a wider opening of the clip jaws in contrast to all other well-known titanium aneurysm clips. This should provide a better and safer application and decrease the danger of premature rupture.

RESULTS: From January 2006 to July 2008, 55 aneurysms were clipped in 45 patients. The most common aneurysm location was the anterior communicating artery (20 patients) followed by the M1 segment of the middle cerebral artery (16 patients). Four patients had 2, one had 3, and one had 5 aneurysms. Two clipping procedures were performed for an ateriovenous malformation-associated aneurysm. All aneurysms were clipped without any technical complication.

CONCLUSION: The use of the new clip system, especially in complex aneurysm surgery, has potential benefits because of the better surgical vision during clip application and the wider opening of the clip jaws. It is easy to handle and compatible with magnetic resonance imaging.